This is the journey that I've been on. I'm sharing photos of myself for authenticity sake but, aesthetics aren't apart of my journey. Did my body fluctuate? Yes that's what bodies do! They adjust for the lifestyle you lead. The one thing I hope you take from this is that I am so grateful for this body that I have that has served me over the years. A huge aspect of my business mission is to help others connect and love their bodies in every chapter of their life.


There I was not a care in the world, kid free, newly married, who wore workout clothes because they were comfy and liked to send cute pics to my husband. Worked out for fun if I felt like it kind of person.


First pregnancy at age 20. Being my first baby, I read everything under the sun and according to the books If I worked out while pregnant it would be “setting my baby up for success” and “labor will be smooth sailing”. So I began working out to 13 days overdue. Did it do the things the books said? No clue.


2016: One year after Elena. I was focused on losing that baby weight. Can you tell? Cutting calories and doing cardio when I could was what I thought fitness was about then.


Second pregnancy is the same as the first but MORE. More exhaustion, more nausea, more heartburn, all while trying to parent a toddler.


One year postpartum from second daughter. My health and fitness are on the back burner because I attempting to parent two tiny humans while working.


My wake-up call. My Gut health was out of control, my spouse was deploying soon, my mental health was dismal at best. This is the part of the journey where you say sh*t hit the fan.


As I attempeted to cleean the hypothetical fecal fan, I gained a therapist after multiple others not working out. I went to physical therapy for the neglected bits of broken body parts I had developed over the years. Found a neurologist for my migraines. I began practicing mindfulness and understanding how the body holds onto traumas. I developed a healthy relationship with food. I completed Texas A&M’s Personal Fitness trainer Program and Family Nutrition Program. I became Nationally Certified as a Personal Trainer through NASM. I got hired onto the YMCA to be a trainer.


Third Pregnancy. Really rough first and second trimester. Weekly migraines and constant fatigue to where I napped every day until 20 weeks. Mood was at an all time low with my anxiety and depression medication as high of a prescription as allowed. At that half way mark I gained back energy and gained weight. Holy cow, did I crave sweets with that boy.Plus, while giving birth I ended up hemorrhaging. All to say this was probably my most body changing pregnancy/ delivery thus far.


Eight months postpartum. Have I been able to bench even 75 lbs yet? No way. Am I working on it? For sure. Am I giving myself grace and focusing on whole body healing/ fitness instead of just aesthetics? Absolutely. I officially launched EmpowHER PT less than 10 days ago as when this was written. I am taking each day to love the skin I am in for me, myself, and I. I wanted to start a business that allows Women to be trained by someone who has been through it. I can meet you where you're at because honestly I am right there with you. I have been the person who doesn't feel comfortable working out at the gym. I have been too tired to even drive to the gym sometimes. Let me drive to your house, train your living room, discuss healthy relationships with food, and learn to love the body you're in. No matter if you are pre kids to postpartum for the 3rd time.